An aeronautic compass is a type of compass specifically designed for use in aircraft. It is a navigational instrument that provides the pilot with the directional heading of the aircraft with respect to the earth's magnetic north.
The aeronautic compass is usually mounted on the aircraft's instrument panel and can be either a magnetic compass or a gyroscopic compass. Magnetic compasses use the earth's magnetic field to determine the aircraft's heading and have a rotating compass card with markings indicating the cardinal directions. They can be affected by electromagnetic interference and are subject to deviation, which can cause errors in the readings.
Gyroscopic compasses use the principles of gyroscopic motion to determine the aircraft's heading and are not affected by magnetic interference or deviation. They are more accurate and reliable than magnetic compasses but are also more expensive.
Status:: #wiki/notes/mature
Plantations:: Aerotechnics
References:: Le Manuel de Pilotage d'Avion