Black box reuse, also known as black box component reuse, is a Software Development - 20230221103859 approach that involves reusing existing software components without modifying or understanding their internal workings. In this approach, the software components are treated as "black boxes" whose inputs and outputs are known, but whose internal implementation details are hidden from the developer.
Black box reuse can be an efficient way to speed up software development and reduce costs, as developers can leverage existing components and functionality without having to build everything from scratch. It can also help to improve software quality and reliability, as the reused components have typically been tested and proven in other contexts.
However, there are some potential drawbacks to black box reuse. One issue is that the developer may not fully understand the behavior or limitations of the reused components, which can lead to unexpected interactions or errors. Additionally, the developer may be limited in their ability to customize or extend the functionality of the component, as they are bound by the interface and functionality provided by the black box.
Status:: #wiki/notes/mature
Plantations:: Object Oriented Programming
References:: Design Patterns