Factory Testing

Factories are commonly used in software testing to create instances of objects for testing purposes. A factory is a design pattern that provides a simple and flexible way to create objects, and it can be especially useful when testing code that depends on complex objects or objects that are difficult to create.

For example, consider a class that depends on a database connection or a web service. In order to test this class, you would need to create instances of the database connection or web service objects, and this can be time-consuming and error-prone. By using a factory, you can create objects that implement the same interface as the real objects, but which can be easily controlled and configured for testing purposes.

In this way, factories can help to isolate the code being tested and make it easier to test complex objects and interactions. They also provide a flexible way to create objects that can be used across multiple tests, which can help to reduce duplication and improve maintainability.


Status:: #wiki/notes/mature
Plantations:: Software Testing - 20230221103934
References:: ILOG