Theory of Evolution is the most conventional today to explain our existence. It is taught as an irrefutable fact. However, existing and concrete evidence tells us that this theory is no longer valid:
Moreover, even Darwin did not believe in his own theory.
It works for other life forms, but Man is too complex, it breaks down for him.
We have 98% of our DNA in common with the chimpanzee. But we also have for example 60% of DNA in common with a fly, 80% with a cow, 90% with a cat, etc... Do we look like flies?
In fact, we should not look at the DNA match, but at the way our genes are activated, because a single gene can be activated in different ways, to do different things.
Because our beliefs are rooted in other people's beliefs, we find it hard to refute this theory, which is universally accepted.
If we had a suitable theory about our appearance, we would surely be able to solve the current world problems (terrorism, harassment, etc.). Indeed, we cannot solve today's problems with a 150 year old theory.
Status:: #wiki/notes/mature
Plantations:: Evolution
References:: Nous ne sommes pas ce que la science à dit de nous