Things to do in a Lucid Dream


You can heal in a dream, by visualizing. It really has an impact and it's proved. You can also heal from your fears and fight against them.


Training during lucid dreaming creates neural pathways that will persist into the waking state, because our neurological system doesn't differentiate between lucid dreaming and waking-state experiences.


When we are lucid and have access to the fertile soil of the unconscious, then, if we plant the seed of a beneficial idea or suggestion, it penetrates the deepest levels of our mind and affects our waking state in a tangible way. A lucid dream is the ideal environment for autosuggestion.

Having Fun

We can simply do whatever we want in the dream. However, we must remain reasonable, as the neural pathways persist in the waking state, so we must avoid negative actions.


Status:: #wiki/notes/mature
Plantations:: Lucid Dreaming
References:: Dreams of Awakening