A Brief History of Time

Quick Summary

Discover simply what our universe is made of, what we know about it, its origins, the forces that govern it, what the Big Bang is and how it is related to black holes, and finally, the challenges of current physics.

My Thoughts

This is a book that I really liked because it is accessible to everyone. It doesn’t require any prerequisites, and you only need to be a little bit comfortable with some simple physics concepts to understand it. The popularization is successful.

Some passages are still hard to understand, but that’s normal, some concepts are not really simplified. However, the book is illustrated to help with understanding.

The book reads very quickly, and being a science and cosmology buff myself, I found the book extremely interesting.

One aspect I didn’t like perhaps would be the allusions to religion. It was sometimes awkward, and not so smart to mention because religion is subjective and the purpose of this book is not to bring a religious point of view. For example, Stephen Hawking tells us in the book that time only goes in one direction, from the past to the future, and that this constrains God himself. Some will think that it’s not reasonable to imagine that God is constrained, others won’t... It’s useless to talk about this as there is no truth, it’s purely subjective.

Everything else was very good and if you are interested in science, you can easily get into the book. The writing style is highly enjoyable. Hawking is a great teacher and a wonderful writer. When reading the book, you may forget it’s a scientific book because it’s so well explained.

To Read or Not to Read?

I highly recommend this book to everyone wanting to discover how our universe works. Whether you are a scientist, a student, or just a curious person, this book will impress you.


Status:: #wiki/references/book
Related:: Theory of Relativity

Link:: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3869.A_Brief_History_of_Time
Author:: Stephen Hawking
Year:: 2005-01-01


Consumed:: true

Rating:: 9
Favorite:: true