Getting Things Done

Quick Summary

Are you overwhelmed by your to-do lists at work and at home? The GTD method (Getting Things Done) or the art of efficiency without stress is a method that allows you to increase your organizational skills, your efficiency and your creativity without multiplying your efforts.

My Thoughts

I've heard a lot about this book, and I was already using some variation of the GTD method before I read it, so I dove in.

Like many books in this genre, the content is quite good and the method can be effective, but the writing style is heavy and the whole book can be summarized in a few lines. In fact, one always has the impression that authors need to fill this kind of books with useless anecdotes and quotes, because otherwise the book could fit on 10 pages.

In short, it is not necessarily useful to read this book because most of what you find in it is very well summarized by many articles or YouTubers on the internet.

As for the method, I find it good although a bit heavy. It feels like the kind of method where you spend more time planning than acting.

To sum it up simply:

To Read or Not to Read

As I said, the book can be summarized very well in a few lines. On the other hand, there are some subtleties and tricks that are a little less known and interesting, for which the book may be worth reading. On the other hand, be prepared to skip some parts that may be a bit long.


Status:: #wiki/references/book

Author:: David Allen
Year:: 2001-01-01

Priority:: 3

Consumed:: true

Rating:: 6