This book was amazing and really interesting.
I really loved it because it is short and straightforward. There are no superfluous details that slow down the reading.
Also, I liked it because it really teaches you concrete things. Memory is an important ability that you can work on and improve, and this book just gives you the keys to make the most of that skill. Of course, this implies that you won’t progress and learn anything if you don’t apply the techniques given by the book. In case you really want to progress, it is necessary to stop and understand the techniques and try them yourself.
At first, it won’t be intuitive to apply what is taught in the book, but you have to persevere and force yourself so that these techniques become automatisms and habits for you.
For my part, I have started to apply the techniques read in this book and I can confirm that they work.
In short, this book is simply a list of techniques you can use to improve your memory, explained using examples and encouraging you to practice.
I think this book is a must for the students, or more generally for everyone wanting to learn, whether it is for a specific purpose or just for fun.
Status:: #wiki/references/book
Related:: Memory - 20230221103059
Author:: Kevin Horsley
Year:: 2014-01-01
Consumed:: true
Rating:: 7.5