The Sixth Sense - 1999

Quick Summary

8-year-old Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) is haunted by a dark secret: he is visited by ghosts. A helpless and reluctant channel, Cole is terrified by threatening visitations from those with unresolved problems who appear from the shadows. Confused by his paranormal powers, Cole is too young to understand his purpose and too terrified to tell anyone about his torment, except child psychologist Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis). As Dr. Crowe tries to uncover the ominous truth about Cole's supernatural abilities, the consequences for client and therapist is a jolt that awakens them both to something harrowing - and unexplainable.

My Thoughts

This film is one of those where the most important thing is the final outcome. Unfortunately, I already knew it being spoiled, but that didn't stop me from watching the movie.

Besides, it's the kind of movie you have to see twice, because the ending changes absolutely everything, like in Shutter Island or The Others.

It's hard to get hooked on the direction at the beginning. But once the first half hour is over, it gets a little better. Bruce Willis' character is interesting, as is his disturbed young patient.

Some subtle shots or dialogues give us clues about the final outcome, which can be predictable at some points of the film if we are careful.

There are some good scenes that are a bit scary, but it's not for this sinister atmosphere that this film leaves a mark, but for the final twist as well as the emotion that the last half hour provides, and its dramatic dimension.

In short, this film is as strange and interesting as it is ingenious.

To Watch or Not to Watch?

This film is a classic. Even knowing the ending, I still enjoyed watching it. I recommend it, and obviously it will be even more impressive if you didn't have the ending spoiled.


Status:: #wiki/references/omdb/movie

Author:: M. Night Shyamalan
Year:: 1999


Consumed:: true

Rating:: 8